Design | Plug n' Play

Our house is intended to be like a car in many ways and it is designed with a similar set of criteria: How can we make a house that is assembly line build-able, highway transportable, flexible for many uses, adaptable to multiple users and extremely customizable?

The answer was the concept we dubbed “Plug n’ Play.” The idea of a Plug n’ Play house boils down to the use of modularity on a variety of scales. In order to make this feasible, we worked to design the house and all of its components on an 18-inch grid. This allowed us the maximum in flexibility with respect to configuration of spaces, interchangeability of fixtures and customizability of materials and finishes.

The largest scale relationship is between the Core and Pod. The Core is a large, linear space that houses our mechanical systems and provides for their distribution. In addition, the Core acts as a circulation space and an extension of the living areas. On a smaller, more immediately adaptable scale, is the Wall System, which was completely designed and fabricated by students in the School of Architecture. This system employs a series of modular shelving dimensions that can plug in and out of any wall cavity in the house, allowing the occupant to literally reconfigure their storage and display space on a whim.

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