Construction | Sustainability

By implementing an 18-inch grid during our design process and by using many materials which are modules of this dimension, we have been able to significantly reduce construction waste on the building site.

Part of our outlook on Sustainability revolves around the betterment and support of local community. As such we have taken care in searching out local businesses, manufacturers, trade schools and professionals to provide us with products, materials, assistance and knowledge throughout the construction process. Along with local economic benefits, buying locally manufactured products and locally harvested wood has helped to reduce our environmental footprint by reducing CO2 emissions due to transportation.

Another feature of our construction process is our customized, mobile Tool Trailer. Not only has this made our lives easier by housing all of our tools, it has also been outfitted with a 1.02 kWp array of photovoltaics to power our tools. Funded by a student research grant, three of our team members spent the summer of 2006 modifying the tool trailer with PV, customized tool storage and work tables. Weather permitting, we have been able to supplement a large portion of our electricity use during the summer construction, and hope to free ourselves from using grid-source electricity during the assembly and disassembly process of the Competition itself.

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