ToMoBrush: Exploring Dental Health Sensing Using a Sonic Toothbrush
Kuang Yuan, Mohamed Ibrahim, Yiwen Song, Guoxiang Deng, Suvendra Vijayan, Robert Nerone, Akshay Gadre, Swarun Kumar.
ACM IMWUT (Ubicomp'24) (To Appear)
DeWinder: Single-Channel Wind Noise Reduction using Ultrasound Sensing
Kuang Yuan, Shuo Han, Swarun Kumar, Bhiksha Raj.
Interspeech'24 (To Appear)
[Paper] [Poster]
Towards Ubiquitous IoT through Long Range Wireless Energy Harvesting
Mohamed Ibrahim, Atul Bansal, Kuang Yuan, Junbo Zhang, Swarun Kumar.
ACM MobiHoc'24 (To Appear)
WheelPoser: Sparse-IMU Based Body Pose Estimation for Wheelchair Users
Yunzhi Li, Vimal Mollyn, Kuang Yuan, Patrick Carrington.
ACM ASSETS'24 (To Appear)
Rethinking Orientation Estimation with Smartphone-equipped Ultra-wideband Chips
Hao Zhou, Kuang Yuan, Mahanth Gowda, Lili Qiu, Jie Xiong.
ACM MobiCom'24 (To Appear)
Battery-free Wideband Spectrum Mapping using Commodity RFID Tags
Mohamed Ibrahim, Atul Bansal, Kuang Yuan, Swarun Kumar, Peter Steenkiste.
ACM MobiCom'23
EarphoneTrack: Involving Earphones into the Ecosystem of Acoustic Motion Tracking
Gaoshuai Cao*, Kuang Yuan*, Jie Xiong, Panlong Yang, Yubo Yan, Hao Zhou, and Xiang-Yang Li. (*Co-first Author)
ACM SenSys'20
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