

Week: date Topic(s) Course Readings Additional information
1: 1/13 Intro to Applied Analytics -- ML pipeline Slides State of AI (optional)
1: 1/15 Review of R; manipulating data; using tidyverse R review None Bring your laptop to class with R and Rstudio installed
2: 1/20 Monday: no class, 1/22 Decision trees and logistic regression Slides ISL 4.3, 4.6, 8, 2.2 PS1 due 1/24
3: 1/27, 1/29 Evaluating predictions; logistic regression Slides ISL 4.3, 4.6, 8, 2.2 PS2 due 1/31
4: 2/3, 2/5 Coding week: DT, LR, CV Slides
5: 2/10, 2/12 Evaluating predictions; discussion of readings reading 1 (abstract only); reading 2 PS 3 due 2/14
6: 2/17, 2/19 Missing data; Bayesian networks Murphy 8.6, ESL 9.6, Murphy 10, 11 PS 4 due 2/21
7: 2/24, 2/26 Bayesian networks; ensembles Slides ISL 8.2, 6.2 PS 5 due 2/28
8: 3/2, 3/4 Ensembles, GLM variants Slides ISL 8.2, 6.2, 7.3, 7.7 Introduce final project 3/2, request project partners by 3/6
-: 3/9, 3/11 Spring break
9: 3/16, 3/18 GLM variants, neural networks 1 Slides Murphy 28; Deep Learning Cheat Sheet; Deep Learning 2017 (slides)
3/23, 3/25 Neural networks 2: MLPs, autoencoders Slides PS 6 due 3/23, Proposal due 3/25
3/30, 4/1 Neural networks 3: CNNs, fine-tuning, RNNs Slides Supplementary reading: Understanding LSTMs, From GAN to WGAN PS 7 due 4/3
4/6, 4/8 Neural networks 4: GANs; language modeling Slides Latent Dirichlet allocation; word2vec PS 8 due 4/10
4/13, 4/15 Language modeling; survival analysis Slides CASI 9 PS 9 due 4/17
4/20, 4/22 Survival analysis, technical debt CASI 9; On technical debt; Rules of ML PS 10 due 4/29
4/27 Last day of S20 classes: final project workday
-: 5/4 (Finals week) Final project due 5/4

Note: bold indicates graded material