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TRASHionals: The Fish that 8 Pittsburgh

Standings after 11 rounds for Darius Rucker

Overall statistics: By Team - By Individual - By Round

Match Summary

1 (Blinky) Doyle Brunson L, 140-255
2 (Blinky) Crunchy Frog L, 45-250
3 (Blinky) O'Reilly L, 100-325
4 (Blinky) Retirement Castle L, 115-370
5 (Blinky) Spork L, 110-205
6 (Blinky) Alcoholics Syn L, 115-310
7 (Blinky) Panty Raid L, 120-340
8 (Blinky) Big City L, 85-205
9 (Blinky) Tommy Vercetti L, 165-255
10 (Blinky) GMAC Bowl Champs L, 170-230
11 (Blinky) If the Grave L, 65-305
Overall: 0-11-0 (0.000)

Player Performance

  GP +10 -5 Pts PPG TU/-5 Best Round
Jason X 11.0 18 4 160 14.55 4.50 Round 3: 20 points against O'Reilly
Kris 1.0 0 0 0 0.00 N/A N/A
Luria 1.0 0 1 -5 -5.00 0.00 N/A
Scott Y 11.0 37 8 330 30.00 4.62 Round 9: 60 points against Tommy Vercetti
©1999-2005 Carnegie Mellon College Bowl Organization. Carnegie Mellon. cbowl@andrew.