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TRASHionals: The Fish that 8 Pittsburgh

Scoreboard after 11 rounds

Standings: By Team - By Individual - By Round

Round 1

Panty Raid 255 Michael: 7 toss-ups
Retirement Castle 260 Abe Simpson: 4 toss-ups
Riders of Lohan 335 Christian Slater: 3 toss-ups
Knights of Urban 205 Matt Santos: 5 toss-ups
Yaksmen 140 Shut Up Miatch: 3 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 270 Sarah: 4 toss-ups
GMAC Bowl Champs 200 Douglas: 4 toss-ups
O'Reilly 370 Bill OReilly: 6 toss-ups
If the Grave 285 Bald Gay Man: 4 toss-ups
Alcoholics Syn 235 Jack Daniels: 3 toss-ups
Brock of Ages 80 Bruce Saunders: 2 toss-ups
Loose Bobbleheads 365 Bill Schantz: 7 toss-ups
Human Fund 250 HE Pennypacker: 6 toss-ups
Charlotte Simmons 285 Chris: 4 toss-ups
Party of Fives 160 5 Across Eyes: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
ASU 25lbs 380 Ron Mexico: 5 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Schiavo 165 Baroness: 2 toss-ups
Computer Guys 335 Witry: 4 toss-ups
Big City 75 Mike: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Crunchy Frog 390 Mark: 10 toss-ups
Mike Keenan 415 Craig: 4 toss-ups
Surreal Life 115 Stooge: 2 toss-ups
Tickle Me 265 Fall Out Boy: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
WWJDFAKB 280 Kenny: 4 toss-ups
Player Haters 215 Boone: 3 toss-ups
Licensed to IL 340 Alma: 3 toss-ups
Shelby Foote 315 Matt: 6 toss-ups
Voltron Crew 235 James: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
All-Stars 380 Matt: 4 toss-ups
Urban Meyer 130 Adam: 2 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Jimmy Stewart 90 Elwood: 5 toss-ups
Ashlee Simpson 450 Tyler: 8 toss-ups
Doyle Brunson 255 Ten Deuce: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Darius Rucker 140 Scott Y: 4 toss-ups
Spork 400 Anthony: 8 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Tommy Vercetti 185 Two: 3 toss-ups

Round 2

Alcoholics Syn 280 Captain Morgan: 5 toss-ups
Tommy Vercetti 70 Two: 1 toss-up
ASU 25lbs 215 ZD: 5 toss-ups
Human Fund 190 HE Pennypacker: 3 toss-ups
Big City 80 Carl: 4 toss-ups
O'Reilly 495 Brian: 5 toss-ups
Ashlee Simpson 235 Jennifer: 5 toss-ups
Computer Guys 215 Witry: 7 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Loose Bobbleheads 30 Andy Schn.: 1 toss-up
Mike Keenan 505 Dwight: 7 toss-ups
Urban Meyer 175 Matt: 3 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 215 Jon: 4 toss-ups
Darius Rucker 45 Jason X: 1 toss-up
Crunchy Frog 250 Brian: 6 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Party of Fives 230 Ben Folds 5: 4 toss-ups, 3 neg-5s
Brock of Ages 140 Robert: 3 toss-ups
All-Stars 115 Matt: 4 toss-ups
Tickle Me 290 Fall Out Boy: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
WWJDFAKB 350 Kenny: 6 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Player Haters 180 Boone: 2 toss-ups
Surreal Life 60 Chora: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Riders of Lohan 500 Christian Slater: 8 toss-ups
Schiavo 275 Batroc: 4 toss-ups
Yaksmen 95 New Jersey: 2 toss-ups
Shelby Foote 290 Matt: 6 toss-ups
Knights of Urban 150 Matt Santos: 3 toss-ups
Panty Raid 130 Julie: 3 toss-ups
Spork 360 Keith: 6 toss-ups
Voltron Crew 260 Dave: 5 toss-ups
Charlotte Simmons 220 Chris: 3 toss-ups
Jimmy Stewart 145 Elwood: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Licensed to IL 300 Robert: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
GMAC Bowl Champs 140 Douglas: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Retirement Castle 295 Abe Simpson: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Doyle Brunson 135 Pocket Kings: 2 toss-ups
If the Grave 335 Mr. Horatio: 4 toss-ups

Round 3

Alcoholics Syn 250 Jose Cuervo: 8 toss-ups
Panty Raid 215 Julie: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Big City 105 Mike: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Retirement Castle 440 Abe Simpson: 5 toss-ups
GMAC Bowl Champs 130 Douglas: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Spork 355 Anthony: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Charlotte Simmons 245 Dan: 4 toss-ups
Knights of Urban 220 Johnny Yuma: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Yaksmen 45 Michael Owen: 2 toss-ups
Ashlee Simpson 420 Candace: 6 toss-ups
Human Fund 195 HE Pennypacker: 4 toss-ups
Brock of Ages 185 Andy Saunders: 4 toss-ups
Tommy Vercetti 145 Jeff: 3 toss-ups
Doyle Brunson 260 Ace-Jack Suited: 5 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Voltron Crew 180 James: 3 toss-ups
ASU 25lbs 355 Nate: 4 toss-ups
O'Reilly 325 Brian: 4 toss-ups
Darius Rucker 100 Scott Y: 3 toss-ups
Shelby Foote 275 Matt: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Surreal Life 140 Chora: 4 toss-ups
Jimmy Stewart 120 Elwood: 6 toss-ups
WWJDFAKB 270 Kenny: 6 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Loose Bobbleheads 100 Bill Schantz: 2 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Riders of Lohan 445 Thong: 5 toss-ups
Tickle Me 350 Fall Out Boy: 7 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 150 Shawn: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Urban Meyer 100 Brian: 3 toss-ups
Schiavo 340 Baroness: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
If the Grave 250 Skit Skit Skit: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Crunchy Frog 230 Mark: 3 toss-ups
Licensed to IL 305 Robert: 5 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Computer Guys 170 Witry: 7 toss-ups
All-Stars 325 Matt: 4 toss-ups
Player Haters 220 Vader: 3 toss-ups
Mike Keenan 455 Dwight: 6 toss-ups
Party of Fives 145 5 Across Eyes: 4 toss-ups

Round 4

Surreal Life 80 Klous: 2 toss-ups
Charlotte Simmons 295 Chris: 5 toss-ups
Computer Guys 255 Witry: 7 toss-ups
WWJDFAKB 210 Kenny: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Yaksmen 210 Michael Owen: 6 toss-ups
Licensed to IL 240 Robert: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
ASU 25lbs 240 ZD: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Knights of Urban 160 Matt Santos: 2 toss-ups
All-Stars 365 John: 4 toss-ups
Jimmy Stewart 80 Elwood: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Tickle Me 255 Fall Out Boy: 6 toss-ups, 3 neg-5s
Schiavo 260 Baroness: 6 toss-ups
Ashlee Simpson 355 Jennifer: 6 toss-ups
Urban Meyer 120 Brian: 2 toss-ups
Darius Rucker 115 Scott Y: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Retirement Castle 370 Spring. Cat Burgler: 6 toss-ups
Alcoholics Syn 270 Jose Cuervo: 6 toss-ups
GMAC Bowl Champs 170 Beth: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Big City 80 Carl: 3 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Spork 375 Anthony: 6 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 310 Chris: 4 toss-ups
Player Haters 220 Boone: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Party of Fives 75 Ben Folds 5: 4 toss-ups
Riders of Lohan 465 Christian Slater: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Mike Keenan 570 Mike: 9 toss-ups
Human Fund 50 Art Vandelay: 1 toss-up, 1 neg-5
Brock of Ages 65 Andy Saunders: 3 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Voltron Crew 420 James: 6 toss-ups
Shelby Foote 205 Mike: 3 toss-ups
Loose Bobbleheads 265 Andy Schn.: 4 toss-ups
Tommy Vercetti 90 Two: 2 toss-ups
Crunchy Frog 395 Brian: 8 toss-ups
Doyle Brunson 210 Ace-Jack Suited: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Panty Raid 245 Julie: 4 toss-ups
If the Grave 155 Bald Gay Man: 2 toss-ups
O'Reilly 445 Brian: 7 toss-ups

Round 5

Licensed to IL 300 Robert: 7 toss-ups
Urban Meyer 165 Brian: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Player Haters 260 Boone: 4 toss-ups
Schiavo 185 Hot Mil. Stud: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Million $ Gerbil 350 Jon: 6 toss-ups
Jimmy Stewart 65 Elwood: 4 toss-ups
Loose Bobbleheads 190 Jim King: 2 toss-ups
Charlotte Simmons 215 Chris: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Ashlee Simpson 275 Tyler: 5 toss-ups
Tickle Me 155 Fall Out Boy: 2 toss-ups
Yaksmen 40 Michael Owen: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
WWJDFAKB 400 Kenny: 8 toss-ups
Darius Rucker 110 Scott Y: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Spork 205 Keith: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
ASU 25lbs 385 ZD: 8 toss-ups
Surreal Life 40 Klous: 1 toss-up
Knights of Urban 300 Matt Santos: 6 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Brock of Ages 40 Bruce Saunders: 1 toss-up
Shelby Foote 290 Matt: 7 toss-ups
Party of Fives 80 Ben Folds 5: 3 toss-ups
Riders of Lohan 340 Thong: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Human Fund 145 Kal: 6 toss-ups
Tommy Vercetti 50 Jeff: 1 toss-up
O'Reilly 480 Brian: 8 toss-ups
Computer Guys 140 Angie: 2 toss-ups
All-Stars 310 Rob: 5 toss-ups
Doyle Brunson 255 Ten Deuce: 6 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
GMAC Bowl Champs 85 Douglas: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Panty Raid 220 George: 3 toss-ups
Crunchy Frog 210 Mark: 4 toss-ups
Mike Keenan 460 Craig: 6 toss-ups
Voltron Crew 120 James: 4 toss-ups
Alcoholics Syn 200 Jose Cuervo: 8 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Big City 270 Carl: 6 toss-ups
If the Grave 85 Jonny Cab: 1 toss-up
Retirement Castle 290 Spring. Cat Burgler: 4 toss-ups

Round 6

Player Haters 205 Boone: 5 toss-ups
Ashlee Simpson 330 Tyler: 4 toss-ups
Surreal Life 100 Chora: 2 toss-ups
Brock of Ages 100 Robert: 2 toss-ups
GMAC Bowl Champs 70 Beth: 2 toss-ups
Crunchy Frog 210 Brian: 3 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 245 Jon: 4 toss-ups
Computer Guys 170 Angie: 5 toss-ups
Tickle Me 415 Fall Out Boy: 8 toss-ups
Licensed to IL 140 Robert: 2 toss-ups
Party of Fives 160 Ben Folds 5: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Charlotte Simmons 275 Chris: 5 toss-ups
Urban Meyer 125 Matt: 6 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
WWJDFAKB 390 Kenny: 8 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Darius Rucker 115 Scott Y: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Alcoholics Syn 310 Jose Cuervo: 8 toss-ups
Yaksmen 130 Michael Owen: 3 toss-ups
All-Stars 440 Matt: 7 toss-ups
Loose Bobbleheads 90 Bill Schantz: 2 toss-ups
ASU 25lbs 410 ZD: 7 toss-ups
Riders of Lohan 380 Wilmer Valderanna: 5 toss-ups
Voltron Crew 185 James: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Shelby Foote 300 Matt: 9 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Human Fund 145 HE Pennypacker: 3 toss-ups
O'Reilly 440 Brian: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Panty Raid 190 George: 3 toss-ups
Doyle Brunson 270 Pocket Kings: 3 toss-ups
Big City 180 Mike: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Mike Keenan 355 Craig: 6 toss-ups
Knights of Urban 150 Matt Santos: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Schiavo 235 Hot Mil. Stud: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Jimmy Stewart 205 Elwood: 5 toss-ups
Spork 335 Keith: 6 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
If the Grave 165 Skit Skit Skit: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Tommy Vercetti 225 Two: 4 toss-ups
Retirement Castle 250 Spring. Cat Burgler: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s

Round 7

All-Stars 250 John: 3 toss-ups
WWJDFAKB 390 Kenny: 6 toss-ups
Tickle Me 420 Fall Out Boy: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Computer Guys 160 Witry: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Yaksmen 35 John Ya-Ya: 1 toss-up
Player Haters 435 Boone: 8 toss-ups
Loose Bobbleheads 295 Andy Schn.: 4 toss-ups
Voltron Crew 195 James: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Retirement Castle 185 Hans: 4 toss-ups
O'Reilly 440 Jeremy: 4 toss-ups
If the Grave 300 Mr. Horatio: 4 toss-ups
GMAC Bowl Champs 235 Kevin: 4 toss-ups
Human Fund 215 HE Pennypacker: 3 toss-ups
Surreal Life 90 Chora: 3 toss-ups
Riders of Lohan 345 Wilmer Valderanna: 5 toss-ups
Mike Keenan 215 Dwight: 6 toss-ups
Brock of Ages 60 Bruce Saunders: 2 toss-ups
Charlotte Simmons 410 Dan: 5 toss-ups
Alcoholics Syn 235 Jose Cuervo: 5 toss-ups
Crunchy Frog 230 Mark: 5 toss-ups
Darius Rucker 120 Jason X: 2 toss-ups
Panty Raid 340 Michael: 6 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Shelby Foote 380 Mike: 7 toss-ups
ASU 25lbs 230 ZD: 4 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 220 Jon: 6 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Ashlee Simpson 320 Candace: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Licensed to IL 295 Robert: 6 toss-ups
Schiavo 270 Baroness: 3 toss-ups
Knights of Urban 245 Matt Santos: 6 toss-ups
Party of Fives 140 5 Across Eyes: 2 toss-ups
Tommy Vercetti 70 Two: 2 toss-ups
Big City 370 Carl: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Jimmy Stewart 90 Elwood: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Urban Meyer 275 Brian: 9 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Spork 260 Anthony: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Doyle Brunson 295 Pocket Kings: 4 toss-ups

Round 8

Loose Bobbleheads 225 Andy Schn.: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Party of Fives 161 Ben Folds 5: 6 toss-ups
All-Stars 340 John: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Million $ Gerbil 230 Chris: 5 toss-ups
ASU 25lbs 310 Nate: 4 toss-ups
Charlotte Simmons 190 Dan: 4 toss-ups
Knights of Urban 205 Matt Santos: 5 toss-ups
Human Fund 195 HE Pennypacker: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Ashlee Simpson 285 Candace: 4 toss-ups
Schiavo 211 Hot Mil. Stud: 3 toss-ups
Player Haters 265 Boone: 7 toss-ups
Jimmy Stewart 175 Elwood: 5 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
WWJDFAKB 310 Kenny: 6 toss-ups
Licensed to IL 270 Chester: 3 toss-ups
Tickle Me 315 Fall Out Boy: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Yaksmen 165 Michael Owen: 4 toss-ups
Darius Rucker 85 Scott Y: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Big City 205 Carl: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Voltron Crew 361 Vishal: 6 toss-ups
Surreal Life 40 Klous: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Riders of Lohan 435 Thong: 9 toss-ups
Shelby Foote 160 Mike: 2 toss-ups
Brock of Ages 55 Andy Saunders: 2 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Mike Keenan 490 Craig: 8 toss-ups
Computer Guys 300 Witry: 9 toss-ups
Urban Meyer 95 Matt: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Spork 265 Anthony: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Retirement Castle 255 Abe Simpson: 3 toss-ups
Alcoholics Syn 245 Jose Cuervo: 6 toss-ups
Doyle Brunson 115 Pocket Kings: 3 toss-ups
GMAC Bowl Champs 210 Douglas: 7 toss-ups, 4 neg-5s
Tommy Vercetti 106 Two: 2 toss-ups
Panty Raid 125 George: 2 toss-ups
If the Grave 195 Bald Gay Man: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
O'Reilly 445 Jeremy: 6 toss-ups
Crunchy Frog 156 Mark: 3 toss-ups

Round 9

Voltron Crew 305 Dave: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Party of Fives 195 5 Across Eyes: 4 toss-ups
Riders of Lohan 265 Wilmer Valderanna: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Brock of Ages 175 Andy Saunders: 3 toss-ups
WWJDFAKB 360 Kenny: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Ashlee Simpson 165 Tyler: 4 toss-ups
Tickle Me 240 Fall Out Boy: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Urban Meyer 150 Brian: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Knights of Urban 215 Johnny Yuma: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Surreal Life 285 Klous: 5 toss-ups
Computer Guys 165 Witry: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Player Haters 265 SledgeHammer: 5 toss-ups
Alcoholics Syn 90 Jose Cuervo: 2 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Spork 290 Anthony: 7 toss-ups
All-Stars 140 Matt: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Licensed to IL 395 Robert: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Yaksmen 65 New Jersey: 2 toss-ups
Jimmy Stewart 295 Elwood: 6 toss-ups
Loose Bobbleheads 90 Andy Schn.: 2 toss-ups
Human Fund 200 HE Pennypacker: 5 toss-ups
If the Grave 250 Bald Gay Man: 4 toss-ups
Big City 85 Carl: 4 toss-ups
Panty Raid 215 Jack: 3 toss-ups
GMAC Bowl Champs 210 Douglas: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Shelby Foote 360 Matt: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Charlotte Simmons 105 Dan: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Tommy Vercetti 255 Two: 4 toss-ups
Darius Rucker 165 Scott Y: 7 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
ASU 25lbs 200 Ron Mexico: 5 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Mike Keenan 195 Craig: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Doyle Brunson 220 The River: 3 toss-ups
O'Reilly 230 Jeremy: 4 toss-ups
Crunchy Frog 220 Brian: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Retirement Castle 250 Spring. Cat Burgler: 4 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 125 Chris: 4 toss-ups
Schiavo 335 Baroness: 4 toss-ups

Round 10

Tickle Me 230 Fall Out Boy: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Jimmy Stewart 160 Elwood: 5 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Ashlee Simpson 190 Jennifer: 2 toss-ups
Licensed to IL 325 Colby: 6 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
ASU 25lbs 365 ZD: 5 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Brock of Ages 50 Andy Saunders: 1 toss-up
Yaksmen 70 Michael Owen: 3 toss-ups
Computer Guys 340 Witry: 5 toss-ups
Surreal Life 135 Klous: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Party of Fives 185 5 Across Eyes: 4 toss-ups
Loose Bobbleheads 90 Bill Schantz: 2 toss-ups
Knights of Urban 280 Johnny Yuma: 4 toss-ups
If the Grave 210 Jonny Cab: 3 toss-ups
Tommy Vercetti 150 Two: 3 toss-ups
Riders of Lohan 435 Thong: 5 toss-ups
Charlotte Simmons 80 Chris: 1 toss-up
Darius Rucker 170 Scott Y: 4 toss-ups
GMAC Bowl Champs 230 Douglas: 6 toss-ups
Spork 175 Keith: 3 toss-ups
O'Reilly 285 Jeremy: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Panty Raid 220 Michael: 3 toss-ups
Big City 135 Mike: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Shelby Foote 190 Matt: 4 toss-ups
Mike Keenan 295 Craig: 6 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Human Fund 160 HE Pennypacker: 4 toss-ups
Voltron Crew 315 Vishal: 4 toss-ups
Retirement Castle 265 Spring. Cat Burgler: 4 toss-ups
Alcoholics Syn 235 Jose Cuervo: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Urban Meyer 150 Brian: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Player Haters 315 Boone: 4 toss-ups
All-Stars 235 Matt: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Schiavo 195 Batroc: 2 toss-ups
Crunchy Frog 205 Mark: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Doyle Brunson 260 Ten Deuce: 5 toss-ups
WWJDFAKB 355 Kenny: 8 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 155 Jon: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5

Round 11

Knights of Urban 115 Johnny Yuma: 3 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Voltron Crew 300 James: 6 toss-ups
Panty Raid 240 Michael: 4 toss-ups
Tommy Vercetti 140 Shamon: 3 toss-ups
Riders of Lohan 265 Theoden King: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
ASU 25lbs 305 Trevor: 4 toss-ups
Charlotte Simmons 185 Chris: 3 toss-ups
Mike Keenan 385 Mike: 4 toss-ups
Shelby Foote 250 Matt: 6 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Brock of Ages 40 Bruce Saunders: 1 toss-up
Doyle Brunson 280 Ten Deuce: 6 toss-ups
Retirement Castle 225 Jasper: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
GMAC Bowl Champs 260 Douglas: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Big City 120 Mars: 2 toss-ups
Yaksmen 170 Michael Owen: 5 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Urban Meyer 140 Matt: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Tickle Me 160 Fall Out Boy: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Player Haters 235 Boone: 4 toss-ups
Darius Rucker 65 Scott Y: 2 toss-ups
If the Grave 305 Skit Skit Skit: 5 toss-ups
Schiavo 225 Baroness: 4 toss-ups
WWJDFAKB 280 Kenny: 8 toss-ups
Surreal Life 140 Tommy Foe: 4 toss-ups
Loose Bobbleheads 205 Andy Schn.: 5 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
Crunchy Frog 165 Mark: 4 toss-ups
Spork 405 Anthony: 9 toss-ups
Human Fund 195 HE Pennypacker: 4 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
Party of Fives 200 Ben Folds 5: 7 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
All-Stars 200 Geoff: 2 toss-ups
Ashlee Simpson 320 Jennifer: 5 toss-ups
Alcoholics Syn 180 Jose Cuervo: 4 toss-ups, 2 neg-5s
O'Reilly 430 Jeremy: 4 toss-ups
Jimmy Stewart 150 LB Jeffries: 4 toss-ups
Computer Guys 270 Witry: 3 toss-ups
Licensed to IL 280 Colby: 6 toss-ups
Million $ Gerbil 135 Sarah: 3 toss-ups, 1 neg-5
©1999-2005 Carnegie Mellon College Bowl Organization. Carnegie Mellon. cbowl@andrew.