Mark Poepping is Head IT Architect in the central Computing Services organization at Carnegie Mellon. His research activities include EDDY Project co-PI and co-lead of CyDAT, the Cyber-center for Diagnostics, Analytics, and Telemetry within CyLab at Carnegie Mellon. Mark joined Carnegie Mellon at the Software Engineering Institute in 1985 and contributed on the original Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) efforts in 1988. As Head IT Architect for Computing Services, Mark is responsible for leadership in long-range technology and mid-range architecture to guide designs in the computing infrastructure and environment for the local and global campus. Mark is co-PI of EDDY (End-to-end-Diagnostic-DiscoverY), an effort to establish an architecture and experimental base for orchestration and analysis of diagnostic and performance data of large distributed systems ( This effort has expanded into CyDAT, an effort to advance the quality of tools and methods for situational awareness in distributed IT-enabled systems, and specifically to help facilitate safe access to operational data for research purposes. Mark received his BS in Mathematics in 1980 from St. John's University in Collegeville, MN, and an MS in Computer Science in 1982 from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is chair of the Internet2 security advisory committee (Salsa), a charter member of the Internet2 middleware committee (MACE), and member of the EduCause IT Architecture constituency group.