Chapter 2 of Reynolds Remote desktop to the remote machine address provided username: soaadmin password: provided to you Within the remote desktop, id: weblogic and the password is always johnheinz1 0. To right click from a MAC after remote desktop, try Shift + CTRL + Click. 1. Start SOA Suite 2. Run JDeveloper from start menu On left, an Application holds one or more projects A project is a collection of one or more components that make up a deployable resource (SCA assmbly, Java application, web service, etc. ) On right is the Resource Palette In the middle for Java, xslt, bpel, etc. 3. Create a connection Note the IDE Connections tab Connect to external resources such as databases and app servers and rules engines We deploy using connections Define a connection to the SOA Suite Deploy by creating a connection to a port Application/deploy/new deployment profile connections/app server connections connection name Web logic domains is SOA_domain Test connection 4. Create an application New application Name it Specify where it will be placed Select an SOA application template Project name: EchoComposite We want SOA technologies Select Composite with BPEL Process 5. Create a BPEL process Name it EchoBPEL Synchronous Double click the BPEL component in the composite Note three swimlanes (partner link client, process, partner link external services) Note BPEL component palette on right Drag in an assign activity Double click assign to configure Associate input to output generating xpath Save 6. Deploy by right clicking EchoComposite A connection must be created first Note that a deployment is done by right clicking the project node. Deployment is to an application server. 7. Testing the BPEL process Use the web application Enterprise Manager of the SOA Suite http://localhost:7001/em Under SOA find EchoComposite Choose to Test web service 8. Adding a mediator Back to JDeveloper Select composite.xml and add a mediator Drag it from the component palette Modify the composite diagram so that mediator receives from client and sends to BPEL. This is done by deleting (with right click) one wire and adding a new wire. Deploy and test again. 9. Get the URL of the service Visit the enterprise manager Click the assembly To the right of the Settings button displays a link to WSDL location and Endpoint Visit the WSDL and save the URL 10. Prepare to use the OSB Start up the SOA BAM Server When complete Start up the SOA Admin Server Start the OSB Server visit http://localhost:7002/sbconsole Log in with weblogic and johnheinz1 A change session represents a unit of work that may be rolled back. 11. Write a proxy service on the OSB Within the OSB will be: A proxy service that communicates with a Business service that communicates with our mediator and BPEL service. The result will return along the reverse path. Create a change session by clicking Create We may then Activate, discard or exit the change. We are logged on as weblogic. Note the name of the session. In the bottom left, select Project Explorer. Give the project the name Project02. Select Add Project Click Project02 name to bring us the Project View Create folders BusinessService, ProxyService and WSDL by entering the names and clicking add folder. Click the WSDL folder Next to create resource select the resource type resource from url Paste the url of our service in the URL/Path Name the service EchoResource The resource type is WSDL The Load Resources window shows those ready for import XSD may be present as well Click the Import button Click WSDL in the Project explorer 12. Create the business service in the OSB We already have the WSDL. Select the BusinessService folder Create a resource of type Business Service Name it EchoBusinessService and select wsdl web service and browse to wsdl. Select EchoResource Select the port type EchoBPEL_pt and hit submit Choose next to go to the transport configuration page Click last and then save 13. Create a proxy service in the OSB In Project Explorer click on ProxyService Create a resource of type Proxy Service Name it EchoProxy Create from existing service Business Service Browse to our EchoBusinessService, select it and submit Click Last and then Save Edit the message flow from our proxy service (little icon next to proxy service) Click on RouteTo.. icon and edit route No changes needed so cancel twice 14. Activate the session in the OSB Click activate and Enter a description 15. Testing On the left choose Resource Browser Under Action, look for Launch Test Console Change the xml input from string to yo yo Execute