95-733 Internet Technologies Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Publish Subscribe and IoT Due Date : 11:59 PM, Tuesday, October 10, 2017 This project now counts as Project 2 and Project 3 Objectives ========== The internet of things (IoT) often collects real time data from sensors and transmits these data to a service offering publish and subscribe capabilities. The service is usually called a broker. The sensor acts as a publisher. The sensor has no idea who its subscribers are. It simply transmits data to the broker. The subscriber subscribes to messages from the broker and, in this way, is able to read data from the sensors. The publish subscribe approach exemplifies loose coupling and provides for scalability. One objective of this project is to learn to use an MQTT publish subscribe broker named Mosquitto. MQTT is targeted at low power constrained devices. It will likely play an important role in a mature IoT. Another objective is to learn Google Charts. The internet of things will rely heavily on real time visualization in the browser. Google Charts (or something similar) will likely play a significant role in this area. Finally, this Project is intended to expose you to firmware development on a micro controller. Project 2 ========= This is a four part assignment. The first part asks that you develop a small system using Javascript and an MQTT broker. The second part asks that you build a small system using a Java program as a publisher to an MQTT broker and a Javascript program as a subscriber to messages coming from MQTT. The third part asks that you create a simple application that will be deployed (flashed) to a Particle Photon. This application will make good use of MQTT. The fourth part is designed to utilize a micro controller that generates data that is consumed by a data analysis tool at ThingSpeak. In Project 1, we used a whiteboard application from Oracle to build an application that allowed us to collaborate in real time without polling. We leveraged HTML WebSockets and wrote our own server side code that sent a message to all listeners. In Parts 1 through 3 of this project, we will not write our own server side code. Instead, we will use an open source MQTT broker called Mosquitto. Mosquitto can be downloaded from here: http://mosquitto.org/download/. Note: In the past, some students had trouble with Mosquito but had an easy time with downloading Hive MQ's MQTT broker. The instructions below refer to my success in using Mosquito. Feel free to use whatever MQTT broker that you are comfortable with. You may use the local Hive MQ (downloaded to your machine or the remote version on the cloud.) The remote version may be accessed through Javascript this way: var loc = {'hostname' : 'broker.hivemq.com', 'port' : '8000' }; You can install Mosquitto on your MAC using brew. See http://brew.sh and then use "brew install mosquitto". There are directions on the mosquitto web site for Windows users. When you run mosquitto, it will run with its default configuration. We need to change its configuration to allow for WebSocket connections (we want to visit the server from Javascript). To change the configuration of Mosquitto, we can modify the configuration file found at /usr/local/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf (on a MAC). My configuration file contains these lines: listener 1883 protocol mqtt listener 9002 protocol websockets My copy of mosquitto is located at /usr/local/sbin. If I change to that directory, I can run mosquitto (picking up the configuration file) with the command mosquitto -c /usr/local/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf -v Once you have Mosquitto running, we want to connect to the server from Javascript running in a browser. We do not want to write the client side MQTT code ourselves. Even though we have easy access to WebSockets, it would be far better to use an existing Javascript library that provides a convenient API to MQTT. The implementation of the API will, of course, use Websockets below the scenes. In our web pages, we will include the Javascript library from Paho. It is called mqttws31.js. There is a very nice getting started section at the following link. It has a simple example of a Javascript client that will run in a web page: https://eclipse.org/paho/clients/js/ There is a nice discussion here on MQTT. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_9.0.0/com.ibm.mq.pro.doc/q002870_.htm Part 1. ======= Your task in Project 2 Part 1 is to: 1) 5 Points. Build a Netbeans project named Project2Basic with the code found here: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_onmousemove Note that every time the mouse moves (within the box) an event is generated and the x and y coordinates are displayed. It is required that you add your own detailed comments to this code - explaining clearly how it works. The grader will grade based on the quality of these comments. 2) 10 Points. Here we want to sense the mouse movements and pass them along to Mosquitto(MQTT). Copy Project2Basic (along with your comments) to a new Netbeans project called MouseTrackerPublisher. This will need to be modified so that every mouse movement publishes the coordinates to Mosquitto. It must make good use of the Javascript library mqttws31.js. 3) 15 Points. Create a new Netbeans project called MouseTrackerSubscriber. It too will make use of mqttws31.js. MouseTrackerSubscriber will subscribe to events published to Mosquitto. It will simply display the coordinates being received (there will be no box as is shown in MouseTrackerPublisher). Part 2. ======= In Part 2, we will be communicating with Mosquitto in two ways. We will use Websockets from within our Javascript code - running within a browser. And we will also use standard TCP sockets (and a client library) from within a stand-alone Java program. In order to make this happen, we need to ensure that the Mosquitto configuration includes the following four lines. You will need to carefully use the appropriate ports within your code. listener 1883 protocol mqtt listener 9002 protocol websockets For the Java client, we will be using the Eclipse Paho Java Client libraries. This is very easy to do using Maven and Netbeans. In short, Maven is an opinionated build tool. That is, it is based around the idea of "convention over configuration". There is a nice 15 minute video here on using Maven on the Netbeans IDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGmUH-SxFHA The following URL has the repository definition and the dependency definition needed for your pom.xml. It also has a very nice sample Java client that you may work from. https://eclipse.org/paho/clients/java/ 1) 5 Points. Build a Netbeans project named TemperatureSensorProject. This project will hold a stand alone Java program named TemperatureSensor.java. Every 5 seconds, TemperatureSensor.java will generate a random temperature (uniformly distributed) between the values of 0 and 100 degrees fahrenheit. If the random temperature is between 0 and 45 degrees inclusive, TemperatureSensor.java sends the temperature and a timestamp to the topic called "temperature/pittsburgh/coldTemps" on Mosquitto. If the temperature is greater than 45 degrees but less than or equal to 80 degrees, TemperatureSensor.java sends the temperature and a timestamp to the topic called "temperature/pittsburgh/niceTemps" on Mosquitto. If the temperature is greater than 80 degrees then TemperatureSensor.java sends the temperature and a timestamp to the topic called "temperature/pittsburgh/hotTemps" on Mosquitto. 2) 5 Points. Build a Netbeans web application that allows the user to subscribe to a particular topic from Mosquitto. The user might be interested in "temperature/pittsburgh/coldTemps", "temperature/pittsburgh/niceTemps", "temperature/pittsburgh/hotTemps", or all temperatures. Name the web application project TemperatureSubscriberProject. This project will require the Javascript library mqttws31.js. To get data on all temperatures, use topic wildcards. The detailed design of the site is in your hands. It will allow the user to select from the four possible options and will then show each temperature and timestamp pair published to that topic. 3) 5 Points. Build a Netbeans project named DiceRollingClientProject. This project will hold a stand alone Java program named DiceRollingClient.java. Every one second, DiceRollingClient.java will generate two random integers between 1 and 6 inclusive (each is uniformly distributed). It will then publish a JSON string to Mosquito in the following format {"Die1" : Number, "Die2" : Number }. For example, in the first three seconds, the program might transmit {"Die1" : 3, "Die2" : 1 } {"Die1" : 3, "Die2" : 6 } and {"Die1" : 2, "Die2" : 4 }. 4) 15 Points. Build a Netbeans web application project named DiceRollingMonitorProject. The web application will act as a subscriber to MQTT messages. This project will require the Javascript library mqttws31.js. It will also make good use of Google Charts to display the following on a browser: a) Two Google Chart gauges. One showing the result of the first die roll and the other showing the result of the second die roll. These gauges will display the integers 1 through 6 inclusive. The pointer on each gauge will jump from one integer to the next upon each roll of the dice. b) A third Google Chart gauge showing the sum of the values on the two die. It will be numbered from 2 to 12 and its pointer will jump among these values on each roll. c) A fourth Google Chart gauge showing the average sum rolled so far. If the first three rolls are (1,1), (3,1), and (1,2) then this gauge would display a 3. That is, (2 + 4 + 3)/3 = 3. This gauge will be numbered from 2 to 12 but will display the average as a real number. If the first two rolls are (4,5) and (1,1) then this gauge will display the value 5.5 and the pointer on the gauge will point midway between 5 and 6 on the gauge. d) The last monitoring device that you will display is a Google Chart Line Chart. The Y-axis will run from 0 to 1.0 and the X-axis will run from 2 to 12. It will display a line representing the relative frequency of each possible sum. Suppose the first 11 rolls result in (1,1), (2,1), (3,1) (3,2), (2,4), (4,3), (6,2), (3,6), (5,5), (6,5), and (6,6). The line chart would show a straight line running above 2 through 12 at a constant height of 1/11 on the y-axis. This line graph will change as the dice rolls are pushed to the MQTT subscriber. Part 3. ======= Imagine an IoT instructor who wants to call roll quickly. When the class is about to begin, each students flashes his or her Photon. In doing so, the student's name is transmitted to an MQTT service to which the instructor subscribes. In a few seconds, the instructor has a roster of students present. 1) 10 Points. Using a Particle Photon, develop firmware that will publish your name and a URL to an MQTT service. Name this firmware file "transmitName.ino". Your name, URL pair will be published to the topic 'student/name'. Use the IDE provided at build.particle.io. To get started making calls to MQTT from Photon, use the code provided at Particle. In my solution, I worked from the example called 'mqtttest.ino'. Write your firmware so that your name and URL is published once to the MQTT service. Note the call to 'client.loop()'. This is an important call to make in order for your client (Photon) and your server (MQTT) to stay connected. After your Photon sends your name and URL to the server, it should blink a light (or two) every second. No more client server communication is required. It is important that you place your own comments in transmitName.ino. These comments should convince the reader that you understand what is going on in the code. The name, URL pair will be transmitted in JSON format. For example, in my solution I am sending the JSON object { "name":"Michael McCarthy", "URL":"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/mm6"}. You are required to do the same. For your URL, choose any appropriate IoT URL that you feel is interesting. Or, if you prefer, you may choose your home page for your URL. 2) 10 Points. Using Netbeans, build a web project called PhotonMQTTSubscriber. Within this project, write an index.html file and javascript code that subscribes to your MQTT service. It will subscribe to any messages published to 'student/name'. When the Photon publishes a name and URL to the topic 'student/name', your web site will display the name and URL on the browser. You have to plan on many names being published (even though you only have one Photon to test with). If many names arrive, they should all be listed, as they arrive on the browser. Part 4. ====== This Part is short and should not take you too long. All along the way,it makes use of open standards (HTTP, Webhooks, SSL, JSON). It leaves the final data at ThingSpeak - a MatLab enabled environment where data analytics may take place. While we are not doing data analytics in this project, you should be aware that the sensor data is available to MatLab related tools. Goal: Publish data from your Photon to the service provided by Particle. Subscribe to that data through another service provided by ThingSpeak. View a graphical display of the data as it arrives from your Photon. Work with Webhooks, a lightweight HTTP based implementation of the publish/subscribe pattern. 1) 10 Points. Publishing messages from a microcontroller to a proxy service. Set up your photon so that there is a single resistor connecting D0 to 3V3 as shown in "Step 5: digitalRead" of the Tinker tutorial found here: https://docs.particle.io/guide/getting-started/tinker/photon/ When the wire connects D0 to 3V3 (pins 10 and 21), the value of D0 is high (Note: there is no light on the Photon that indicates this). When the wire is disconnected, there is no power to D0 and it is low. These values can be detected with the Tinker application running on your phone. It is suggested that you play with Tinker and see how this works. There is no need to study the Tinker code. In this project, we will use the connecting and disconnecting of the wire between D0 and 3V3 as a switch. When the wire is connected, the Photon will send out a "1". When the wire is disconnected, the Photon will send out a "0". Write a firmware program named ReadAndPublishD0.ino that reads the D0 value every 30 seconds. In your setup function, you will need the statement: pinMode(D0,INPUT_PULLDOWN); And in your loop function you will need to read the D0 pin with a call on digitalRead. Every 30 seconds, call one of the following functions (depending on the value of D0): Particle.publish("OnOrOffValue", "0") Particle.publish("OnOrOffValue", "1") If D0 is high, pass a "1" to the Particle Cloud. If D0 is low, pass a "0" to Particle Cloud. We do not want to go any faster than once every 30 seconds. In this way, the Particle Cloud and the Webhook call to Thingspeak can keep up. Just before you publish (with a "1" or "0" ) turn on the D7 LED. After publishing, wait one second and set D7 back to low. In this way, the user will be able to see when the publishing event is occurring. Note that you can view these published events in the Particle Console. It is highly recommended that you get Part 1 working before going on to Part 2. 2) 10 Points. Using a Webhook. In this part, you will configure the Particle cloud service to forward your "0" and "1" messages to Thingspeak. This will result in a new HTTP request to Thingspeak after each call on the Particle cloud from your Photon. This is called a Webhook. It is a simple way to implement publish/subscribe messaging. Your Photon will publish a message to the event "OnOrOffValue" and Thingspeak will be called for each publication. Thingspeak is a subscriber. You must configure a channel in Thingspeak so that it is ready to receive the message "OnOrOffValue". You will also need a "write API-Key" from Thingspeak and this key needs to be provided to the Webhook on Particle. Create a ThingSpeak account and work through the tutorial at https://docs.particle.io/guide/tools-and-features/webhooks/ This tutorial has everything that you need to create the account at Thingspeak and prepare the Webhook at Particle. Be sure to use the "form" approach when constructing the Webhook. Your channel will be named "OnOrOffChannel" and Field1 will be contain "OnOrOffValue". Submission: =========== Submission guide ================ Documentation is required. Spend some time cleaning up your code and adding good comments to your code. Create a directory with your Andrew ID as the name. For example, my directory would be called mm6. Under this directory, create four subdirectories named /Project2Part1, /Project2Part2,/Project2Part3,/Project2Part4. Part 1: Place the three projects into the directory /Project2Part1 Part 2: Place the four projects into the directory /Project2Part2 Part 3: Place the web project and a copy of transmitName.ino into the directory /Project2Part3 Part 4: Turn in a copy of your well-documented firmware ReadAndPublishD0.ino. Include your name as the author and include a description of the code. On each line of code, explain briefly what that line is doing. Turn in a screen shot showing the graphical display at Thingspeak. The display will show a line graph showing the different values (either 0 or 1) that have arrived from the Particle Cloud. Name the screenshot {your andrew ID}Project3Screen. It must show at least 5 distinct values (0's and 1's) connected by lines. In addition, your name will appear in the title of the graph. You can configure this with the tooling at ThingSpeak. Place this all into the directory /Project2Part4 Zip the outer directory. Submit a single zipped file to Canvas. We may require that you schedule some time during the instructor or TA office hours to demonstrate your solutions. If you have difficulty running Mosquitto on your machine, see us soon. If we are unable to get Mosquitto running there is a free online version available (Hive MQ). Get started soon and use Hive if you are not able to run a local broker. Some notes on using a remote broker =================================== If you are unable to install Mosquito on your local machine, I have had success with the following broker on the cloud: broker.hivemq.com for MQTT use port 1883 and for Websockets use port 8000 In my Javascript, I am using a line like this: var loc = {'hostname' : 'broker.hivemq.com', 'port' : '8000' }; In my Java code, I am using a line like this: String broker = "tcp://broker.hivemq.com:1883"; Mosquito is fussy about the client ID. In the following line of code, I have used my Andrew ID. You should do that as well. In this way, we will not step on each other. client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(loc.hostname, Number(loc.port), 'mm6'); Installing Mosquito on a PC ============================ Download mosquitto setup file from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/mosquitto/binary/win32/mosquitto-1.4.10-install-win32.exe Run the setup file and follow the steps to complete the installation. note: Default destination folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto Download and Install Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2h from here http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html Install it to C:\temp\OpenSSL-Win32 Copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll from C:\temp\OpenSSL-Win32\bin to C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto Download pthreadVC2.dll from ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/pthreads-win32/dll-latest/dll/x86/ and Copy it to C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto PC Testing ========== open command prompt and run the following commands cd C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto mosquitto.exe -v -c mosquitto.conf You should get messages similar to this 1474406476: mosquitto version 1.4.10 (build date 24/08/2016 21:03:24.73) starting 1474406476: Config loaded from mosquitto.conf. 1474406476: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883. 1474406476: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883. 1474406479: mosquitto version 1.4.10 terminating