Robotics and Artifical Intelligence

  1. How do you define AI?
  2. When the human intellegence is simulated using machines then that phenomenon is called Artificial Intelligence also known as AI.

  3. Can you name at least three different sub-fields of AI?
  4. There are many sub fields of AI.These are some of the most significant ones:

  5. AI has been around since about 70 years so far. Why is it booming right now?
  6. There are many reasons for AI to boom in present day and age. These are some of the most significant ones:

    These are few of the reasons for which I think there is a huge boom in AI.

  7. Can you name at least three application sectors where robots are being largely employed? What are the reasons? 
  8. There are many fields where AI is being implemented.These are some of the most significant ones:

  9. Can you identify three major challenges for a wheeled autonomous robot performing a 24h surveillance task in a large facility? (e.g., something like Mall of Qatar)  


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