Lujain Hasna freshman immigration course

Randy Pausch was a computer science professor that created the Alice software project. The 5 points I liked the most during the lecture were:

1- failing to plan is planning to fail

2-If you have a lot to do start with your least favorite

3-Keeping a calander

4-Make it clear that your busy when someone interupts you

5-Monitor your time using a time jornal

prof hammoud

1- what is cloud computing

cloud computing is something that helps people compromise costs on maintanence, property and hardware because it's digital

2-Is cloud computing a new technology per se? in other words what are the unique tech features of cloud computing if any?

It was named "cloud computing" in the early 2000's however the idea of it has been around for a way longer time

3-what are the three major cloud service models?

SaaS-software as a service

PaaS-platform as a service

IaaS-infrastructure as a service

4-Name at least 3 real-world domains where the application of cloud computing was(or can be) very enabling and effective

software testing, education,backup

5- What is the economic/buisness model of cloud computing?

You need to pay for the service, for example apple lets u pay monthly for cloud storage

  • research
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  • leetcode
  • prof oflazer

    1- Name 3 applications on natrual language processing

    chatbots,voice assistants,language translators

    2- Select three words in your language and for each word try to seperate into its internal component

    ahlan- ah-lan tareeq-ta-reeq qarato-qa-ra-to

    3-Select three sentences from your native language

    ana adrs 3loom al7asb-i'm studying computer science

    4-How many interpetations of time flies like an arrow

    For me there's one and it means that time goes by quickly

    5- what is the most likely word that follows "the prime"


    prof Kristof

    1-What is a decision problem? A computer problem that gives a yes or no answer 2-What does it mean for a decision problem to be decidable? A problem that can be solved by an algorithim 3-What is the class P? What is the class NP? P-problems solved by polynomial time NP-solved by nondeterministic polynomials of time 4-What is the intuitive meaning of the “P versus NP” question? NP represents problems that have solutions you can check efficiently. P represents problems where you can find those solutions efficiently.  Got from 5-If you resolve the P versus NP question, how much richer will you be? A lot richer

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  • Prof Giselle

    1-why did we move from punch cards to programming languages? Punch cards are prone to damage and a loss of information can happen if damage occurs 2-Why are there so many programming languages? They all have different purposes like being efficient and being user friendly plus the more the innovation that happens the higher the need for better pl 3-What are some drawbacks of a programming language you use? In python there's a problem with the round function 4-if you were going to create a new programming language how would you start? I'd try to make it similar to english so that it's easy to learn
  • schedule
  • proffessor Riley

    First security incident: Attackers broke into Qatar national bank in 2016 how they broke into it wasn’t released. Customers were affected as their data has been leaked. QNB reacted in a questionable way and they didn’t give any comment on an investigation. Second security incident: Attackers acted like Qatar airways and sent legitimate looking links to users telling them theyd get a free trip. Clients were impacted and a statement was released by Qatar airways asking clients to not open any of these links.

    Proffessor Gianni

    1- How do you define AI?

    Letting machines solve problems on their own 2- Can you name at least 3 different subfields of AI? 1-machine learning 2-NLP 3-robotics 3- Why is AI booming now? Because computers are stronger now so AI is more advanced and Is very helpful in human day-to-day life 4- Can you name at least three application sectors where robots are being largely employed? What are the reasons? 1- Adidas has robots employed that make shoes, using robots is cheaper and gives less chanve for human error 2- Best Buy uses a robot called Chloe that gives customers what they want, they use Chloe because it's more time efficient to use a robot as it can access what the customer wants quicker. 3-Spread’s robot lettuce farm, this robot harvests 30,000 lettuces daily and its used because the company will always have more product to sell in less time 5- Can you identify three major challenges for a wheeled autonomous robot performing a 24h surveillance task in a large facility? 1- Perception 2- scene understanding 3- localization and mapping