Raundy pauch Time management assignment


  1. Who is Raundy Pauch ?

    Professor Raundy Pauch was a computer science professor at Carganie Mellon University at taught at the university of virgina too

  2. What was he known for?

    He was famously known for his talk : The last lecture, Really achieving your childhood dreams

  3. 5 points you liked in his talk

    1. His talk was intresting and packed with concrete examples like the to-do list, having multiple monitors, how to intreact with people, save-time and be not rude.
    2. How to make time for important things and say no politely
    3. To arrange the paperwork on your desk so it doesn't get to cluttered or disorganized
    4. To keep a log of your time so you know how much time you spent on something so you can adjust as need be
    5. To send Thank-you cards.