Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch was a professor of computer science, human-computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University.

He was known for creating the Alice project (an object-oriented educational programming language with an IDE), co-founder of CMU's Entertainment Technology Center, and Virtual Reality Research with Disney Imagineers. He was also known for his inspiring speeches regarding life and his book Battle with Cancer.

Randy Pausch also received numerous awards:

-Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award

-ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education

-Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computer Science Education

-Fellow of the ACM

Time's Time 100

Here's five things I liked in his talk.

The first thing I noticed in his presentation was how he compares time to money. Time, like money, should be treated as a single entity and managed as such.

The second thing I liked in his talk was when he mentioned the importance of planning even though you might change the plan later on. I am not as good at this because I avoid making plans if I believe they will fail or change for any reason, as failing to follow through on a plan causes me great dissatisfaction.

A third thing I liked were his phone call rules, such as calling while standing up to force myself to keep the call brief, calling people before lunchtime, and so on. These rules should also apply when texting.

I also liked his idea of setting up a fake deadline if something isn't due for a long time as I realized that I am much more productive right before the deadline than when there is plenty of time before the deadline. By doing so, I believe. I'll be able to avoid procrastinating, as most people procrastinate until the very last minute.

Lastly, I liked his closing quote "Time is all we have, and one day you may find that you have less than you think."

Haolin Wang

Sarissa theme designed by iozcelik

Haolin Wang