Hello World!, I'm Fatma Almohanadi

and this is my website

My Assignments

Theory Of Computation

1- A decision problem is a problem that presents a yes or no answer that matches the condition in the situation given a certain input.

2- For it to be decidable, the problem must always correctly answer the decision problem for all possible input parameters.

3- The problem must always correctly answer the decision problem for all possible input parameters of the decision problem efficiently, in a finite number of steps.

4- A question that asks wether it is possible for every quickly verifiable problem in polynomial to be quickly solved in polynomial time.

5- If you can prove or disprove its cryptically short equation, you’d be a million dollars richer—and maybe even billions of dollars richer, depending on your scruples.

Reference list:


1- Hackers broke into Qatar News Agency's website on May 24, 2017, and false statements attributed to the country's ruler were posted.

2- hackers targeted the main QNA network system that stores all employee addresses, passwords, and emails and installed a series of sophisticated malicious softwares.

3- Qatar media was greatly impacted. Fake stories on sensitive issues were published before the site went offline. Subsequently, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates blocked Qatari media.

4- U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the British National Crime Agency cooperated in the investigation. They found freelance hackers were paid to undertake the work on behalf of some other state or individual.

Reference list:

Cloud Computing

1- Cloud computing implies storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of the computer's hard drive, and the cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet.

2- It is seen as re-branded technology. Mainframe computers and their terminals brought it into the modern age. any computer in the world can be a terminal via Internet and similarly any "mainframe"(server farms) in the world can be joined via the Internet (cloud) to provide computing power to the terminals (web browsers).

3- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS).

4- in art, business, data storage, backup services, education, entertainment, management, social networking,etc.

5- connectivity between user and SaaS provider makes for a superior business model. The Cloud enables SaaS providers to connect with users, development team, employees, partners, devices,customers and suppliers in a SaaS network.

Reference list:

Programming Languages

1- We use the tools available. Computers were expensive, and it took a while before everyone had access to it. It shows that the purpose of programming is to create and perform tasks. The languages, punch cards, machines, compilers, and interpreters are only tools; brushes to painters.

2- we have a variety of programming languages because there is a variety of jobs to be done. This diversity makes for interesting programs, interesting companies, and interesting careers.

3- Python is seen as a weak language for mobile computing computing; very few smartphone applications are developed with Python.

4- I'll think about how the language can fit into the current state of the world or how it can be useful, then I'll start by designing the language, taking some fundamental decisions about the paradigms to be used and the syntax of the language, create a compiler, apply a standard library and provide supporting tools like editors and build systems.

Reference list:

Robotics and AI

1-computers doing tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.

2- 1) Machine Learning, 2) Robotics 3) Natural Language Processing

3-infrastructure speed, availability, and sheer scale has enabled bolder algorithms to tackle more ambitious problems, influencing the popularization of AI.

4- In Healthcare, bc robots make healthcare practices more accurate such as surgery and rehabilitation. In Agriculture,increase productivity while lowering overall costs. In Military, Robots assess danger levels and provide soldiers with real-time information.

5-Power will probably run out, wheels can't overcome obstacles, slippery surfaces, or stairs, and interaction with robots will be trciky.

Reference list:


1-In Chatbots and Virtual Assistants, Sentiment Analysis, and Text Classification.

2- عبد-ال-قادر / حضر-موت / بر-ماء-ي

3- my sentences

-Time moves quickly, like the quick movement of an arrow.

-When time passes, we won't be able to retrieve it like how the arrow disappears when its launched.

-Time is like an arrow in sharpness? like if we don't use it wisely we can end up hurt in some way.

Reference list:

Randy Pausch's Tips

Randy Pausch was a Computer Science professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, known for the "The Last Lecture", a lecture he delivered before dying of pancreatic cancer in 2008. In his lecture, "Time Management," Randy Pausch discussed great ways and tips to use time effectively, here are my favorites:

Set goals (to-do lists)

In order to create an effective to-do list, Randy mentioned writing the goals down on a peice of paper, and prioritizing them based on importance level and due dates.

Clear your workspace

having a clean workspace ensures a person's productivity. We must always keep our desks organized and our emails checked.

Minimize interruptions

In order to stay focused, one must try to avoid distractions, so its better to keep texts, calls, or any distracting tabs off.

Write time journals

A great way to keep your track of your time is to write whatever you do down in a journal, write entries each half an hour, and compare your journal every few weeks to check for improvements in time management.

Learn to say "no"

If you can't afford to do something for someone, Randy advised us to politely reject, and find time to do our own tasks.

Never procrastinate

We tend to procrastinate often because we're afraid we might fail the task we're given. A way to battle this is setting a specific time to start working on the task, even If you have something that isn't important or due for a long time, make up a fake deadline, and act like its real. never ignore it.

Have fun in any situation

As Randy said "if you're not gonna have fun, Why do it?". We should enjoy ourselves in everything we do, and prioritize the basics: eat, sleep, and exercise.

Always thank people

Make sure to express gratitude by telling people how much they mean to you, writing thank-you notes, or appreciation letters.

About Me

I'm a Computer Science Freshmen at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar.


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  • Email falmohan@andrew.cmu.edu
  • Phone +974 5054 2386
  • Address Doha, Qatar