
Hi.  I’m Susie and my page was horribly out of date.  Now I’m trying to change that. I’ll do a huge overhaul sometime soon, but I had to do something quickly to make certain people out here in cyberland happy.   So for now, let’s leave it at this:  I’m a senior English/Professional Writing major at Carnegie Mellon University.  I love the Clarks and Gathering Field.  I play trombone, but not very well.  I’m a Scorpio.   I like Cheese Nips and Pepsi.  I'm wild about Niles and Linus.  I want to be a world famous novelist when I grow up.  Until then, I’ll keep on reading John Irving.  I have flat feet.

mutchlersusie.jpg (98842 bytes)                                cherylmikey.jpg (44758 bytes)

This is Matt and I painting the Kiltie Booth Plaid.                                        This is Cheryl and Mikey after band.

He's the one with the beard.                                                                                       


Linus2a.jpg (3778 bytes) I love Linus.                                       niles.jpg (88195 bytes) what a stud.


I promise to do an entirely new page as soon as I can.  In the meantime, enjoy my pictures and visit these other sites:

Stephie--She has an orange webpage and she codes by hand!

Mikey--he's crazy, but we love him.

Psychboy--Bruce fan extraordinaire!

The Clarks!--woo hoo!!  local rock GODS!!

Gathering Field--more local rock...these guys are amazing!

Charlie Brown--gotta love those Peanuts :)