--- title: 'Lecture 1
Introduction and Basics' author: Prof. Alexandra Chouldechova date: Fall 2020 output: ioslides_presentation: highlight: tango widescreen: true smaller: true --- ## What are we trying to accomplish? > The sample analysis was shown only in class and is not viewable in this version of the notes. ## Agenda - Course overview - Introduction to R, RStudio and R Markdown - Programming basics ## How this class will work - No programming knowledge presumed - Some stats knowledge presumed. E.g.: - Hypothesis testing (t-tests, confidence intervals) - Linear regression - Synchronous attendance is encouraged, but not required - Class will be very cumulative ## Mechanics - Two 80 minute lectures a week: - First 60-70 minutes: concepts, methods, examples - Last 10-20 minutes: short labs - Class participation (10%) - Quizzes (10%) - Weekly homework (40%) - Final project (2.5 weeks) (40%) - **Disclaimer:** To pass the class, you must achieve a passing score on the final project
(at least 21 / 40) ## Mechanics - __Class participation__ (10%) - **Labs**: Each lecture has an accompanying lab assignment. - Course website shows how participation grade will be calculated - __Quizzes__ (10%) - 4 quizzes in the second half of term. Dates TBA. - __Homework assignments__ (40%) - There will be 5 weekly HW assignments - Single _lowest_ HW score will be dropped - HW assigned on Wednesdays, **due Wednesdays at 1:30PM ET** - Late homework __will not be accepted for credit__ - __Final project__ (40%) - You will write a report analysing a policy question using a publicly available data set ## Course resources - Assignments, office hours, class notes, grading policies, useful references on R: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~achoulde/94842/ - Canvas for __gradebook__ and for __turning in homework__ - Piazza for __discussion forum__ (embedded in Canvas) - Please __post class/homework related question on Piazza__ instead of emailing the teaching staff - Check the class website for everything else - No required textbook, but I highly recommend: - Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham, [R for Data Science](https://r4ds.had.co.nz/) ## Goal of this class {.increment} **This class will teach you to use R to**: - Generate graphical and tabular data summaries - Efficiently manipulate data using **tidyverse** libraries - Perform statistical analyses (e.g., hypothesis testing, regression modeling) - Produce _reproducible_ statistical reports using R Markdown > - Near the end of class we'll also preview how to integrate R with other tools (e.g., databases, web, etc.) ## Why R? - Free (open-source) - Programming language (not point-and-click) - Excellent graphics - Offers broadest range of statistical tools - Easy to generate reproducible reports - Easy to integrate with other tools ## The R Console Basic interaction with R is through typing in the **console** This is the **terminal** or **command-line** interface ```{r, out.height = "400px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/rterminal.png") ``` ## The R Console - You type in commands, R gives back answers (or errors) - Menus and other graphical interfaces are extras built on top of the console - We will use **RStudio** in this class 1. Download R: http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/R/CRAN 2. Then download RStudio: http://www.rstudio.com/ ## RStudio is an IDE for R RStudio has 4 main windows ('panes'): - Source - Console - Workspace/History - Files/Plots/Packages/Help ## RStudio is an IDE for R
RStudio has 4 main windows (aka 'panes'): - Source - Console - Workspace/History - Files/Plots/Packages/Help
```{r, out.height = "500px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/rstudio_panes.png") ```
## RStudio: Panes overview 1. __Source__ pane: create a file that you can save and run later 2. __Console__ pane: type or paste in commands to get output from R 3. __Workspace/History__ pane: see a list of variables or previous commands 4. __Files/Plots/Packages/Help__ pane: see plots, help pages, and other items in this window. ## Console pane
- Use the **Console** pane to type or paste commands to get output from R - To look up the help file for a function or data set, type `?function` into the Console - E.g., try typing in `?mean` - Use the `tab` key to auto-complete function and object names
```{r, out.height = "400px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/pane_console.png") ```
## Source pane
- Use the **Source** pane to create and edit R and Rmd files - The menu bar of this pane contains handy shortcuts for sending code to the **Console** for evaluation
```{r, out.height = "400px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/pane_source.png") ```
## Files/Plots/Packages/Help pane
- By default, any figures you produce in R will be displayed in the **Plots** tab - Menu bar allows you to Zoom, Export, and Navigate back to older plots - When you request a help file (e.g., `?mean`), the documentation will appear in the **Help** tab
```{r, out.height = "400px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/pane_plots.png") ```
## RStudio: Source and Console panes ```{r, out.height = "500px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/rstudio.png") ``` ## RStudio: Console ```{r, out.height = "500px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/variables.png") ``` ## RStudio: Toolbar ```{r, out.height = "500px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/menus.png") ``` ## R Markdown - R Markdown allows the user to integrate R code into a report - When data changes or code changes, so does the report - No more need to copy-and-paste graphics, tables, or numbers - Creates __reproducible__ reports - Anyone who has your R Markdown (.Rmd) file and input data can re-run your analysis and get the exact same results (tables, figures, summaries) - Can output report in HTML (default), Microsoft Word, or PDF ## R Markdown
- This example shows an **R Markdown** (.Rmd) file opened in the Source pane of RStudio. - To turn an Rmd file into a report, click the **Knit HTML** button in the Source pane menu bar - The results will appear in a **Preview window**, as shown on the right - You can knit into html (default), MS Word, and pdf format - These lecture slides are also created in RStudio (using ioslides as the output format)
```{r, out.height = "400px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/rmarkdown1.png") ```
## R Markdown
- To integrate R output into your report, you need to use R code chunks - All of the code that appears in between the "triple back-ticks" gets executed when you Knit
```{r, out.height = "500px", echo = FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("./figures/rmarkdown2.png") ```
## In-class exercise: Hello world! 1. Open **RStudio** on your machine 2. File > New File > R Markdown ... 3. Change `summary(cars)` in the first code block to `print("Hello world!")` 4. Click `Knit HTML` to produce an HTML file. 5. Save your Rmd file as `helloworld.Rmd` > All of your Homework assignments and many of your Labs will take the form of a single Rmd file, which you will edit to include your solutions and then submit on Canvas ## Basics: the class in a nutshell - Everything we'll do comes down to applying **functions** to **data** - **Data**: things like 7, "seven", $7.000$, the matrix $\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 7 & 7 & 7 \\ 7 & 7 & 7\end{array}\right]$ - **Functions**: things like $\log{}$, $+$ (two arguments), $<$ (two), $\mod{}$ (two), `mean` (one) > A function is a machine which turns input objects (**arguments**) into an output object (**return value**), possibly with **side effects**, according to a definite rule ## Data building blocks You'll encounter different kinds of data types - **Booleans** Direct binary values: `TRUE` or `FALSE` in R - **Integers**: whole numbers (positive, negative or zero) - **Characters** fixed-length blocks of bits, with special coding; **strings** = sequences of characters - **Floating point numbers**: a fraction (with a finite number of bits) times an exponent, like $1.87 \times {10}^{6}$ - **Missing or ill-defined values**: `NA`, `NaN`, etc. ## Operators (functions) You can use R as a very, very fancy calculator Command | Description --------|------------- `+,-,*,\` | add, subtract, multiply, divide `^` | raise to the power of `%%` | remainder after division (ex: `8 %% 3 = 2`) `( )` | change the order of operations `log(), exp()` | logarithms and exponents (ex: `log(10) = 2.302`) `sqrt()` | square root `round()` | round to the nearest whole number (ex: `round(2.3) = 2`) `floor(), ceiling()` | round down or round up `abs()` | absolute value ## ```{r} 7 + 5 # Addition 7 - 5 # Subtraction 7 * 5 # Multiplication 7 ^ 5 # Exponentiation ``` ## ```{r} 7 / 5 # Division 7 %% 5 # Modulus 7 %/% 5 # Integer division ``` ## Operators cont'd. **Comparisons** are also binary operators; they take two objects, like numbers, and give a Boolean ```{r} 7 > 5 7 < 5 7 >= 7 7 <= 5 ``` ## ```{r} 7 == 5 7 != 5 ``` ## Boolean operators Basically "and" and "or": ```{r} (5 > 7) & (6*7 == 42) (5 > 7) | (6*7 == 42) ``` (will see special doubled forms, `&&` and `||`, later) ## More types - `typeof()` function returns the type - `is.`_foo_`()` functions return Booleans for whether the argument is of type _foo_ - `as.`_foo_`()` (tries to) "cast" its argument to type _foo_ --- to translate it sensibly into a _foo_-type value **Special case**: `as.factor()` will be important later for telling R when numbers are actually encodings and not numeric values. (E.g., 1 = High school grad; 2 = College grad; 3 = Postgrad) ## ```{r} typeof(7) is.numeric(7) is.na(7) ``` ## ```{r} is.character(7) is.character("7") is.character("seven") is.na("seven") ``` ## Variables We can give names to data objects; these give us **variables** A few variables are built in: ```{r} pi ``` Variables can be arguments to functions or operators, just like constants: ```{r} pi*10 cos(pi) ``` ## Assignment operator Most variables are created with the **assignment operator**, `<-` or `=` ```{r} time.factor <- 12 time.factor time.in.years = 2.5 time.in.years * time.factor ``` ## The assignment operator also changes values: ```{r} time.in.months <- time.in.years * time.factor time.in.months time.in.months <- 45 time.in.months ``` ## - Using names and variables makes code: easier to design, easier to debug, less prone to bugs, easier to improve, and easier for others to read - Avoid "magic constants"; use named variables - Use descriptive variable names - Good: `num.students <- 35` - Bad: `ns <- 35 ` ## The workspace What names have you defined values for? ```{r} ls() ``` Getting rid of variables: ```{r} rm("time.in.months") ls() ``` ## First data structure: vectors - Group related data values into one object, a **data structure** - A **vector** is a sequence of values, all of the same type - `c()` function returns a vector containing all its arguments in order ```{r} students <- c("Sean", "Louisa", "Frank", "Farhad", "Li") midterm <- c(80, 90, 93, 82, 95) ``` - Typing the variable name at the prompt causes it to display ```{r} students ``` ## Indexing - `vec[1]` is the first element, `vec[4]` is the 4th element of `vec` ```{r} students students[4] ``` - `vec[-4]` is a vector containing all but the fourth element ```{r} students[-4] ``` ## Vector arithmetic Operators apply to vectors "pairwise" or "elementwise": ```{r} final <- c(78, 84, 95, 82, 91) # Final exam scores midterm # Midterm exam scores midterm + final # Sum of midterm and final scores (midterm + final)/2 # Average exam score course.grades <- 0.4*midterm + 0.6*final # Final course grade course.grades ``` ## Pairwise comparisons Is the final score higher than the midterm score? ```{r} midterm final final > midterm ``` Boolean operators can be applied elementwise: ```{r} (final < midterm) & (midterm > 80) ``` ## Functions on vectors Command | Description --------|------------ `sum(vec)` | sums up all the elements of `vec` `mean(vec)` | mean of `vec` `median(vec)` | median of `vec` `min(vec), max(vec)` | the largest or smallest element of `vec` `sd(vec), var(vec)` | the standard deviation and variance of `vec` `length(vec)` | the number of elements in `vec` `pmax(vec1, vec2), pmin(vec1, vec2)` | example: `pmax(quiz1, quiz2)` returns the higher of quiz 1 and quiz 2 for each student `sort(vec)` | returns the `vec` in sorted order `order(vec)` | returns the index that sorts the vector `vec` `unique(vec)` | lists the unique elements of `vec` `summary(vec)` | gives a five-number summary `any(vec), all(vec)` | useful on Boolean vectors ## Functions on vectors ```{r} course.grades mean(course.grades) # mean grade median(course.grades) sd(course.grades) # grade standard deviation ``` ## More functions on vectors ```{r} sort(course.grades) max(course.grades) # highest course grade min(course.grades) # lowest course grade ``` ## Referencing elements of vectors ```{r} students ``` Vector of indices: ```{r} students[c(2,4)] ``` Vector of negative indices ```{r} students[c(-1,-3)] ``` ## More referencing `which()` returns the `TRUE` indexes of a Boolean vector: ```{r} course.grades a.threshold <- 90 # A grade = 90% or higher course.grades >= a.threshold # vector of booleans a.students <- which(course.grades >= a.threshold) # Applying which() a.students students[a.students] # Names of A students ``` ## Named components You can give names to elements or components of vectors ```{r} students names(course.grades) <- students # Assign names to the grades names(course.grades) course.grades[c("Sean", "Frank","Li")] # Get final grades for 3 students ``` Note the labels in what R prints; these are not actually part of the value ## Useful RStudio tips Keystroke | Description ----------|------------- `` | autocompletes commands and filenames, and lists arguments for functions. Highly useful! `` | cycle through previous commands in the console prompt `` | lists history of previous commands matching an unfinished one `` | paste current line from source window to console. Good for trying things out ideas from a source file. `` | as mentioned, abort an unfinished command and get out of the + prompt
**"Homework" 0**: Course survey - You'll receive an announcement providing a link to a Google forms survey following today's class. **Lab 1**: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~achoulde/94842/ - Look under Tenatative Schedule for Week 1 or on Canvas - Submit modified .Rmd file on Canvas by **11:59PM ET on Friday**