OUTPOST REFERENCE SHEET (Basic & Expert Games) Version 1.32

Sequence of Play:

  1. Determine Purchasing Order and assign Purchase Order cards.
  2. Replace previously purchased Colony Upgrade cards.
  3. Distribute production cards (in purchase order).
  4. Expert game only: Discard production cards in excess of Hand Capacity.
  5. Perform commander actions in purchase order:
    1. Bid on Colony Upgrade cards.
    2. Purchase new Factories.
    3. Purchase new Population and/or Robots (in either order).
  6. Assign Operators (Population or Robots) to Factories (in purchase order).
  7. Basic game only: Discard production cards in excess of Hand Capacity.
  8. Determine if any player has met victory conditions; if not, begin next turn.

Starting Colony Characteristics:

Population Maximum                5 Population
Production card Hand Capacity     5 cards (Basic game) / 10 cards (Expert game)
Factory Technologies              Ore and Water
Starting Factories                2 Ore; 1 Water
Starting Operators                3 Population

Factory/Product Summary:

  Factory/Product     Cost     Av. Production Value   Victory Pts (if operated)
  ---------------     ----     --------------------   -------------------------
  Ore                  10                3                        1
  Water                20                7                        1
  Titanium             30               10                        2
  Research          40/30 (1)           13 (1)                    2 (6)
  Microbiotics         50 (2)           17 (1)                    3 (6)
  New Chemicals        60 (3)           20                        3
  Orbital Medicine    120 (3)           30                       10
  Ring Ore            160 (3)           40                       15
  Moon Ore            200 (3)           50                       20

  Population         10/5 (4)
  Robots               10 (5)

1 Expert Game: Research & Microbiotics cards don't count against Hand Capacity.
               Research factories cost 40 in Basic game and 30 in Expert game.
2 Cost is the minimum bid for the colony upgrade card allowing production.
3 Must use one Research card to purchase each New Chemicals Factory.
4 Population cost reduced to 5 if purchaser owns Ecoplants colony upgrade card.
5 Robots may only be purchased if purchaser owns Robots colony upgrade card.
6 Scientists (not Research Factories) & Orbital Labs do not require Operators.

Expert Game Setup Chart:

# of Players    # of first 10 colony   # of last 3 colony   # of VPs needed to
in Game         upgrade cards used     upgrade cards used   start rolling D12+1
------------    --------------------   ------------------   -------------------
    2                 1-2*                  1-2*                   40
    3                   2                     2                    35
    4                   3                     3                    40
    5                   3                     4                    30
    6                   4                     4                    35
    7                   5                     5                    40
    8                   5                     6                    30
    9                   6                     6                    35
   10                   7                     7                    40

*2-Player card setup:
   Roll a die at start for each card type.  Even: use 2 cards; Odd: use 1 card.
   Reroll all card types as necessary until 4-10 pairs of upgrade cards exist.
(c)1991-94 TimJim Games Permission granted to duplicate for personal use only.

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