{ "access_denied": { "en": "You do not have access to this service" }, "no_access_to": { "en": "Your account %NETID% has expired, access denied!" }, "contact_home": { "en": "Access to services is controlled by your home organization. Please contact your local IT support for questions." }, "expiry_date_text": { "en": "Expiration date:" }, "warning_header": { "en": "Warning, your account %NETID% will expire in %DAYSLEFT% %DAYS%!" }, "warning_header_today": { "en": "Warning, your account %NETID% will expire today!" }, "warning": { "en": "Warning, your account %NETID% will expire in %DAYSLEFT% %DAYS%!" }, "warning_today": { "en": "Warning, your account %NETID% will expire today!" }, "day": { "en": "day" }, "days": { "en": "days" }, "btn_continue": { "en": "I am aware of this, continue..." } }