`core:PHP` ========== This is a filter which makes it possible to run arbitrary PHP code to modify the attributes of an user. Parameters ---------- `class` : This is the name of the filter. It must be `'core:PHP'`. `code` : The PHP code that should be run. This PHP code will have one variable available - `$attributes`. This is an associative array of attributes, and can be modified to add or remove attributes. Examples -------- Add the `mail` attribute based on the user's `uid` attribute: 10 => array( 'class' => 'core:PHP', 'code' => ' if (empty($attributes["uid"])) { throw new Exception("Missing uid attribute."); } $uid = $attributes["uid"][0]; $mail = $uid . "@example.net"; $attributes["mail"] = array($mail); ', ), Create a random number variable: 10 => array( 'class' => 'core:PHP', 'code' => ' $attributes["random"] = array( (string)rand(), ); ', ),