{ "page_title": { "en": "simpleSAMLphp installation page" }, "intro": { "en": "Congratulations<\/strong>, you have successfully installed simpleSAMLphp. This is the start page of your installation, where you will find links to test examples, diagnostics, metadata and even links to relevant documentation." }, "useful_links_header": { "en": "Useful links for your installation" }, "metadata_header": { "en": "Metadata" }, "doc_header": { "en": "Documentation" }, "checkphp": { "en": "Checking your PHP installation" }, "about_header": { "en": "About simpleSAMLphp" }, "about_text": { "en": "This simpleSAMLphp thing is pretty cool, where can I read more about it? You can find more information about simpleSAMLphp at the Feide RnD blog<\/a> over at UNINETT<\/a>." }, "required": { "en": "Required" }, "required_ldap": { "en": "Required for LDAP" }, "required_radius": { "en": "Required for Radius" }, "optional": { "en": "Optional" }, "reccomended": { "en": "Recommended" }, "warnings": { "en": "Warnings" }, "warnings_https": { "en": "You are not using HTTPS<\/strong> - encrypted communication with the user. HTTP works fine for test purposes, but in a production environment, you should use HTTPS. [ Read more about simpleSAMLphp maintenance<\/a> ]" }, "warnings_secretsalt": { "en": "The configuration uses the default secret salt - make sure you modify the default 'secretsalt' option in the simpleSAML configuration in production environments. [Read more about simpleSAMLphp configuration<\/a> ]" }, "warnings_suhosin_url_length": { "en": "The length of query parameters is limited by the PHP Suhosin extension. Please increase the suhosin.get.max_value_length option to at least 2048 bytes." }, "link_saml2example": { "en": "SAML 2.0 SP example - test logging in through your IdP" }, "link_shib13example": { "en": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP example - test logging in through your Shib IdP" }, "link_openidprovider": { "en": "OpenID Provider site - Alpha version (test code)" }, "link_diagnostics": { "en": "Diagnostics on hostname, port and protocol" }, "link_phpinfo": { "en": "PHP info" }, "link_meta_overview": { "en": "Metadata overview for your installation. Diagnose your metadata files" }, "link_meta_saml2sphosted": { "en": "Hosted SAML 2.0 Service Provider Metadata (automatically generated)" }, "link_meta_saml2idphosted": { "en": "Hosted SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata (automatically generated)" }, "link_meta_shib13sphosted": { "en": "Hosted Shibboleth 1.3 Service Provider Metadata (automatically generated)" }, "link_meta_shib13idphosted": { "en": "Hosted Shibboleth 1.3 Identity Provider Metadata (automatically generated)" }, "link_xmlconvert": { "en": "XML to simpleSAMLphp metadata converter" }, "link_doc_install": { "en": "Installing simpleSAMLphp" }, "link_doc_sp": { "en": "Using simpleSAMLphp as a Service Provider" }, "link_doc_idp": { "en": "Using simpleSAMLphp as an Identity Provider" }, "link_doc_shibsp": { "en": "Configure Shibboleth 1.3 SP to work with simpleSAMLphp IdP" }, "link_doc_googleapps": { "en": "simpleSAMLphp as an IdP for Google Apps for Education" }, "link_doc_advanced": { "en": "simpleSAMLphp Advanced Features" }, "link_doc_maintenance": { "en": "simpleSAMLphp Maintenance and Configuration" }, "link_configcheck": { "en": "simpleSAMLphp configuration check" }, "link_cleardiscochoices": { "en": "Delete my choices of IdP in the IdP discovery services" }, "welcome": { "en": "Welcome" }, "configuration": { "en": "Configuration" }, "metadata": { "en": "Metadata" }, "tools": { "en": "Tools" }, "show_metadata": { "en": "Show metadata" }, "login_as_admin": { "en": "Login as administrator" }, "loggedin_as_admin": { "en": "You are logged in as administrator" }, "auth": { "en": "Authentication" }, "federation": { "en": "Federation" }, "authtest": { "en": "Test configured authentication sources " }, "deprecated": { "en": "Deprecated" } }