{ "yes": { "en": "Yes, continue" }, "no": { "en": "No, cancel" }, "remember": { "en": "Remember" }, "consent_accept": { "en": "SPNAME requires that the information below is transferred." }, "login": { "en": "login" }, "service_providers_for": { "en": "Service Providers for" }, "service_provider_header": { "en": "Service Provider" }, "status_header": { "en": "Consent status" }, "show_hide_attributes": { "en": "show\/hide attributes" }, "consent_privacypolicy": { "en": "Privacypolicy for the service" }, "noconsent_title": { "en": "No consent given" }, "noconsent_text": { "en": "You did not give consent for transfering your attributes to SPNAME." }, "noconsent_return": { "en": "Return to consent page" }, "consent_header": { "en": "Consent about releasing personal information" }, "consent_attributes_header": { "en": "Information that will be sent to SPNAME" }, "show_attributes": { "en": "Show attributes" }, "noconsent_goto_about": { "en": "Go to information page for the service" }, "consent_purpose": { "en": "The purpose of SPNAME is SPDESC" }, "table_caption": { "en": "User information" }, "table_summary": { "en": "List the information about you that is about to be transmitted to the service you are going to login to" }, "show_attribute": { "en": "Show content" }, "abort": { "en": "Abort login to SPNAME" } }