A-Select module for simpleSAMLphp --------------------------------- This module allows one to use an A-Select server as authentication source for simpleSAMLphp. The module supports the A-Select protocol, including signing of requests. Not supported is A-Select Cross. Usage: Enable the module if not already enabled: $ touch modules/aselect/enabled In config/authsources.php, configure your A-Selectserver as an authentication source. The following is an example for a source named 'aselect': 'aselect' => array( 'aselect:aselect', 'app_id' => 'simplesamlphp', 'server_id' => 'sso.example.com', 'server_url' => 'https://test.sso.example.com/server', 'private_key' => 'file:///etc/ssl/private/aselect.key' ), The parameters: - app_id: the application I for simpleSAMLphp as configured in your A-Select server; - server_id: the A-Select server ID as configured in your A-Select server; - server_url: the URL for your A-Selectserver, usually ends in '/server/. - private_key: the key you want to use for signing requests. If you're really sure you do not want request signing, you can set this option to a null value. Options 'serverurl' and 'serverid' (without underscore) are supported for backwards compatibility. Author: Wessel Dankers Copyright: © 2011,2012 Tilburg University (http://www.tilburguniversity.edu) License: LGPL version 2.1