{ "wrong_IC": { "en": "Invalid InfoCard" }, "get_IC": { "en": "Get your InfoCard" }, "get_IC_link": { "en": "Click here to get your InfoCard" }, "form_username": { "en": "Username" }, "form_password": { "en": "Password" }, "error_header": { "en": "Error" }, "user_IC_header": { "en": "Select an InfoCard" }, "user_IC_text": { "en": "A service has requested you to authenticate yourself. Please click on the image below to start a session with an InfoCard." }, "login_button": { "en": " " }, "get_button": { "en": "Get my Infocard" }, "help_header": { "en": "HELP! What is an InfoCard?" }, "help_text": { "en": "Information Cards (aka InfoCard) is a web authentication technology. Contact with your services provider in order to configure your computer and give you and Information Card (identification virtual card)." }, "help_desk_link": { "en": "Help desk homepage" }, "help_desk_email": { "en": "Send e-mail to help desk" }, "contact_info": { "en": "Contact information" }, "getcardform_title": { "en": "Authentication form" }, "getcardform_self_title": { "en": "Self-Issued Card form" }, "getcardform_self_text": { "en": "Please, enter a self issued InfoCard in order to link it with the managed one we are generating." }, "getcardform_finished_title": { "en": "Congratulations, your Infocard was succesfully generated" }, "getcardform_finished_text": { "en": "Please follow the next link to get to the login page." }, "NO_password": { "en": "Please fill in your password" }, "NO_user": { "en": "Please fill in your username" }, "Wrong_user_pass": { "en": "Wrong username or password" }, "": { "en": "" } }