Booth 1995 - Ghostbusters

Chair: Kevin Johns
Overall Theme: Animated Cartoons
Our Booth: Ghostbusters
Award: 3rd (Independents)

Our plan was to build the firehouse in Ghostbuster and have it built so that we could split it in half when came to moving day. Moving onto the Midway was on Friday, April, 1995. Midway was in Morewood Parking Lot (the first year Carnival was held in Morewood Parking Lot.) We were slotted for the time of 8. Kevin Johns was the driver of the U-Haul bringing up the first half of our booth which was two stories high.

In Hamburg Parking Lot, a group had to prevent it from tipping over. The group was Kevin, Chris McCormack, Jay McCormack, Matt Porta, Michael Dutt, Aiyana Ely, Chris Lee, Van Butler, Scott Kirkpatrick, Elaine Brunsman, Michael Forman, and Pia Soriano. When coming out of the Hamburg parking lot, we had to place boards so that we could smoothly get onto Forbes Avenue. We were trying to enter into the lower part of Morewood parking lot. We stopped traffic with the help of campus police.

Once close to Midway, we found that we could not get to our plot because of our structure was too tall for the electric wires. At one point, Chris M had to hold a broom to prevent us from hitting the wires as we tried to get to our plot. At one point, we had campus facilities measure the height of wires to see if we could get through (which of course we couldn't). We decided to put our structure on the Baseball Club's plot since Jay was our link there. That is where we stayed.

For the carnival ceremonies, there was a mix up in the independent booth competition. The carnival committee did not order a 3rd place trophy thus robbing us of the knowledge of placing 3rd and the recognition deserved. Afterwards we found that we had won 3rd place and was given a trophy about a month after carnival.