Class of 2007 MISM / MSISPM Student Representatives
Josh Caplan (Treasurer)

Josh is a 2nd year MSISPM student. He was elected as student representative in 2005 and will continue the current cohort's reps until he graduation. He is also a recipient of the Scholarship for Service, a Dean's Leadership Fellow, a RAND adjunct staff member, and a returned Peace Corps Volunteer.
Kyle O'Meara

Kyle is the sole representative from MSISPM class of 2007. He is a recipient of the Scholarship for Service and a member of the Heinz Event Planning Committee.
Chuck Reynolds
Meera Ramachandran
Robert Jordan (Treasurer)
Salim Charabaty
Tommy Poon

Tommy graduated from CMU undergrad 2 years ago. He had since worked at AIG in New York City before coming back to Pittsburgh for his master degree.