Eclectic Studies Group


Last amended 19 November 2007

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Eclectic Studies Group, called "ESG" hereafter.

Article II: Objectives

Section 1.

The objectives of the organization shall be:

  1. To discuss, study, and exchange ideas on non-standard religious belief, parapsychology, divination methods, magic, mysticism, alternative therapies, and similar related topics.

  2. To provide an opportunity for the campus community to learn more about topics related to the organizational objectives through speakers, workshops, discussion, and talks held on or around the university and local area.

Section 2.

The ESG shall not be operated for profit and no part of any profits or remainder or residue from dues, donations, or other sources of income to ESG shall inure to the personal benefit of any member or individual.

Article III: Membership

Section 1. Membership.

Any person whose dues for the current year have been paid to the Treasurer shall be considered a member.

Section 2. Dues.

Membership dues for the next year shall be suggested annually by the Board in March, and approved or changed by the voting membership at the penultimate meeting of the school year. Dues shall be payable on or before the thirtieth day of September each year.

Section 3. Member in good standing.

A member is in good standing whose dues are current and whose other monetary obligations to the organization are not over sixty (60) days in arrears.

Section 4. Voting member.

A voting member is a member in good standing who has attended at least one of the three (3) previous regular organization meetings.

Section 5. Refund of dues.

Membership dues will not be refunded either wholly or in part for any reason save extreme circumstances as determined by the membership.

Section 6. Statement of Assurance.

The organization shall abide by all provisions of the Statement of Assurance of Carnegie Mellon University.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1. Executive Board.

  1. The Officers of the organization shall constitute the Executive Board, hereafter called the "Board". The power necessary for the general management of the organization's affairs shall be entrusted to the Board, except as follows.

  2. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the organization, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the organization nor any of the stated goals of the organization, and the organization may countermand any decision of the board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, thus opening up the question for consideration by the organization.

  3. The board shall not distribute the organization's funds except as directed by the organization.

Section 2. Officers.

The organization officers, consisting of the following, shall serve in their respective capacities both with regard to the organization and its meetings, and to the Board and its meetings.

  1. Chairperson.

    1. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Board, and shall have all the duties and powers normally applicable to the role of Chairperson in addition to this Constitution.

  2. Secretary.

    1. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the organization and of the Board, and of all matters of which a record shall be ordered by the organization.

    2. The Secretary shall keep a roll of the members of the organization, with applicable information.

    3. The Secretary shall have charge of any organizational flyers or newsletters.

    4. The Secretary shall oversee all of the organization's computer accounts and ensure that these accounts remain secure. He shall ensure that those officers and members in good standing who need special access to these accounts are given such access.

    5. The Secretary shall assume the position of Chairperson pro tempore in the event of the Chairperson's absence.

  3. Treasurer.

    1. The Treasurer shall have charge of any and all monies due or belonging to the organization as well as any property owned by or on loan to the organization.

    2. The Treasurer shall keep accounts, deposit the organization's funds with the Accounts Director in the Office of Student Activities, and make expenditures.

    3. The Treasurer shall maintain a current and complete list of the property of the organization as well as the financial records of the organization.

    4. The books of the Treasurer shall be open to review by any members of the Board.

    5. If there are any dues for the organization, the Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting them from the membership on or before the thirtieth (30th) of September and issuing a receipt to the paying members.

    6. The Treasurer is also responsible for filling out and turning in any financial forms required by the University.

    7. The Treasurer shall have the authority to dispense funds from the organizational account as long as the expense has been approved by the membership and the check or withdrawal is countersigned by another member of the Executive Board.

    8. The Treasurer may assume the position of Secretary pro tempore or Chairperson pro tempore should the need arise.

  4. Advisor.

    1. The Advisor shall be a member of the University's faculty or staff whose role is to advise the membership and the Board on issues pertaining to the organization's interaction with the University and the community, or as otherwise requested by the membership or the Board.

    2. The Advisor is a non-voting member of the Executive Board.

Section 3. Officer qualifications.

  1. All Officers of the organization, except the Advisor, must be members in good standing.

  2. The Advisor must be a member of the University's faculty or full-time staff.

  3. No person shall hold more than one of the following offices: Chairperson, Secretary, or Treasurer.

Section 4. Nominations and elections.

  1. New officers shall be elected at the final regular meeting of each academic year.

  2. Nominations for candidates for offices shall be proposed at the regular meeting prior to the meeting at which voting will occur. Candidates must accept their nomination before the voting for the office begins to be eligible for election, either at the meeting at which voting will occur, at the meeting at which their nomination occurs, or by notifying the Board in the interim.

  3. The nominated candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast for each office shall be declared elected. If there are three (3) or more candidates for any single office, and no candidate receives a majority of the vote, the candidate receiving the fewest votes will be deleted from the ballot and the membership will vote again on the remaining candidates until a majority has been declared.

  4. Newly elected officers assume their offices at the conclusion of their election to said offices.

Section 5. Vacancies.

Any vacancy of an officer position during the year shall be filled for the unexpired term of office by a majority vote of all the remaining members of the Board by the first regular meeting of the board following the creation of such vacancy.

Section 6. Recall of officers.

Any officer may be recalled for misconduct or dereliction of duty. A written petition, stating the reason(s) for recall, shall be filed with the Secretary, or with the Chairperson in the event of recall of the Secretary. Written notice of such petition shall be included in the notice of the next regular meeting of the organization. A hearing on the matter will be held at that meeting, and a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present and voting will be required to sustain the recall.

Section 7. Seniority.

Seniority of officers is: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Advisor.

Article IV: Meetings, Voting, and Petitions

Section 1. Regular organization meetings.

  1. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held at a regular time and place as determined by the Board.

  2. Meetings can be canceled by the Board by notifying all members at least three (3) days prior to the date of the meeting to be canceled.

  3. Topics for discussion or presentation may be suggested by any member by a main motion.

  4. The Chairperson may amend the order of business at his discretion to allow for the schedules of any guests who may be giving presentations.

Section 2. Executive Board meetings.

  1. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held as directed by the Board, with a minimum of two (2) such meetings per semester.

  2. Notice of each such meeting shall be given to the membership by the Chairperson at least five (5) days prior to the date of the meeting.

  3. At the discretion of the Board, Board meetings may be closed to non-members of the organization unless the individual(s) should be specifically invited by the Board, in which case the cause for the non-member presence shall be the first order of business, and after which the non-member may be asked to leave the meeting.

Section 3. Voting.

Each voting member shall be entitled to one (1) vote at any regular meeting of the organization at which the member is present. Proxy voting will not be permitted at any organization meeting or election except in extenuating circumstances, in which case the instrument of proxy must be countersigned by the Chairperson.

Article V: Discipline of Members

Section 1. Accountability.

Any member of the organization shall be held accountable for any conduct considered injurious to the organization or its purposes and objectives. The gravity of such conduct shall first be considered at a hearing before the Executive Board. Considering said charges of conduct, the Board may, at its discretion, enforce any of the following punitive actions.

Section 2. Reprimand.

The Board may reprimand the member for minor offenses, which can include, but shall not be limited to, written reprimand, verbal warning, restitution, or organization service.

Section 3. Suspension.

For offenses of a more serious nature, the Board may propose to the membership the suspension of membership privileges of the member for any length of time, up to the next annual elections of the organization. The membership shall then vote at the next regular meeting, and the suspension shall require the affirmative vote of at least a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present and voting at said meeting. A suspended member shall be barred from any private events sponsored by the organization.

Section 4. Expulsion.

For offenses of a more serious nature, the Board may propose to the membership the expulsion of a person from membership. The membership shall then vote at the next regular meeting, and the suspension shall require the affirmative vote of at least a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present and voting at said meeting. A person expelled from membership shall be barred from any private events sponsored by the organization.

Section 5. Defense.

Any member so charged shall be given written notice of said hearing at least seven (7) days prior to that hearing for a hearing on reprimand or suspension and at least fifteen (15) days prior to a hearing for expulsion, and such member shall have the right to be present at said hearing for the purposes of defense.

Section 6. Reinstatement

Any person expelled from membership must present his application for reinstatement to the Executive Board for a recommendation, prior to being voted upon by the general membership.

Article VI: Amendments

Section 1. Proposal.

Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the Board or by written petition addressed to the Secretary. Amendments proposed by such petition shall be promptly considered by the Board and must be submitted to the members with the recommendations of the Board by the Secretary for a vote within fifteen (15) days of the date when the petition was received by the Secretary.

Section 2. Ratification.

The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present and voting at any regular or special meeting called for the purpose, provided the proposed amendments have been included in the notice of the meeting and mailed to each member at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 3. Corrections.

Spelling and grammatical corrections shall not be considered as amendments as long as they do not affect the semantic meaning of these bylaws, subject to the final approval of the membership.

Article VII: Donations

The organization may accept donations in the form of money, equipment or other property to be used for the exclusive benefit of the membership; provided however, that all contributions and donations to the organization shall be subject to approval by the Board.

Article VIII: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.

Article IX: Dissolution

The organization may be dissolved at any time by the written consent of not less than three-fourths (3/4) of the full membership in good standing. In the event of the dissolution of the organization, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, none of the property of the organization nor any proceeds thereof nor any assets of the organization shall be distributed to any members of the organization. After payment of the debts of the organization, its property and assets shall be given to a similar organization, or sold and the money donated to a charitable organization, selected by the Board.

Last modified: Mon Nov 26 14:14:33 EST 2007